Partners Guatemala
Agencia de Noticias Prensa Comunitaria/CANICAS/ANPC
The Prensa Comunitaria News Agency – ANPC was founded in 2010, and legally established in 2012 in Guatemala.
The vision of the ANPC is to be the leading organization in the promotion of freedom of expression of communities and social groups. The organization provides specialized, free and comprehensive care, developing processes of social investigation, Human Rights and Alternative Journalism. ANPC’s areas of work are investigation, community journalism, advocacy and Human Rights.
Asecsa is a network that consists of community-based organizations with a presence in the most poor and vulnerable departments in Guatemala. Asecsa promote sexual and reproductive health, gender equity and cultural belonging. Their focus is rural development at community-level with a special emphasis on indigenous women, but they also participate in important national networks and contribute to advocacy at national level.
The CDRO Association (Asociación de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente) is a social network of organizations, institutions and community-based leaders who promote human rights and rural development in the west of the Guatemala. They have special focus on indigenous women and economic empowerment.
COINDI, Cooperación Indigena para el Desarollo Integral, was founded in 1986 during the Guatemalan civil war by and for indigenous Mayan people. The organisation works in the region Sololá. IM’s involvement focuses on political training of women and youth in order to create women and youth community leaders. COINDI works for women’s and indigenous people’s rights and empower women to create their own economic initiatives.
Red de jovenes para la incidencia política, INCIDEJOVEN is an organization founded in 2006, composed of young women and men, to promote and defend Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights. The network has a strong gender perspective and its work is mainly focused on advocacy and creation of public opinion.
Mujeres Indígenas Tzununija
Since its creation, the Tz’ununija ’indigenous women’s movement has had five lines of work 1) Participation and advocacy in political spaces at the local, national and international levels. 2) Communication, information and technical and political training. 3) Situation of violence against indigenous women. 4). Organizational strengthening, self-management and sustainability of indigenous women. 5) Promotion of economic alternatives.
Red Nacional por la Defensa de la Soberanía Alimentaria en Guatemala (REDSAG) is a platform for people and different social and popular sectors that work and defend food sovereignty. REDSAG promotes autonomy of rural and indigenous communities, and participate in advocacy actions at national level to protect sustainable local economic development.