Climate justice

The climate crisis hits the poorest in the world hardest – the people who have contributed the least to climate change, but who are now most exposed to its consequences.

Extreme weather, drought, torrential rains and rising sea levels put pressure on natural resources, destroy crops and biodiversity, knock out incomes and make places uninhabitable. People living in poverty have neither the power nor the resources to adapt to the new conditions. It increases both existing poverty and creates new poverty around the world.

When access to food, water and natural resources is threatened, social unrest and conflicts are created, and in the long run the climate crisis is a threat to democracy and human rights.

The concept of “climate justice” is about the richer part of the world – which has contributed the most to the climate crisis – taking the greatest responsibility both for reducing emissions and for financing the transition for poorer countries.

IM and climate justice

IM's mission is to fight poverty and exclusion for the people who live in the greatest vulnerability in the world, and therefore it is natural that we work to counteract the consequences of the climate crisis in low- and middle-income countries.

Innovative solutions

Together with partners in our countries of operation, we work with innovative solutions to counteract the effects of the climate crisis. The core of the work is about increasing people's resilience against climate change and natural disasters.

Climate crise and poverty

Crops that fail due to drought or torrential rain mean pure disaster for millions of people worldwide. It is about life and death, about children's future.