IM works for a world without poverty and exclusion, so that everyone can participate socially and economically. We want to see societies where everyone gets the same opportunity, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or functional diversity. Presence is the key word for IM. Through local presence and ongoing analysis, IM can work in countries with widely varying conditions. We know that change is possible – we have 80 years of experience in improving the world!
Cooperation with partners
Partnerships form the basis of IM’s work. When we are on site and collaborate with local actors in our countries of operation, our work can seriously be based on the population’s own conditions and rights. Historically, the concept of help for self-help has been central to IM’s approach to development. It is based on the belief that every person, with access to the right tools, can find the power to rise out of exclusion and be active in the development of their life. It continues to inspire us today and guides us in the support of our partner organizations and in the choice of initiatives that we support.
Rights-based work
IM’s activities worldwide are based on the rights of individuals and groups and take place in collaboration with civil society organizations that know their society and the people who live there. The organizations’ own priorities are governing, and the activities must be based on their analysis. IM’s collaboration with partners is based on mutual respect, trust and learning. IM’s support is not only financial, but also includes the development of working methods, capacity and ability to influence social development.
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development
The world’s leaders have committed to 17 Global Goals by the year 2030. The goals aim to achieve four important things: ending extreme poverty, reducing inequalities in the world, solving the climate crisis and promoting peace and justice. These are goals that IM shares and fights for, and we see that it is of utmost importance that we and other civil society organizations, in Sweden and the world, monitor that our people in power fulfill these commitments.