Civil society and civic space

IM believes that civil society organizations play many important roles in a democratic society. Some of the roles involve giving a voice to the voiceless, ensuring good governance and identify issues on the political agenda. A strong civil society can push for social, economic and political change.

IM work together with civil society organisations in their roles to represent, defend and promote the interests of marginalised individuals. Civil society organisations can facilitate empowerment by raising awareness of the rights of individuals and strengthening their capacity to claim these rights. This cooperation includes organisational and capacity development support to partner organisations, but also support to networks and linkages at different levels in society. In Sweden, IM plays an important role in civil society by mobilising volunteers and strengthening their capacity to contribute.

Strengthens the rule of law

Sarmila Shresta is a lawyer and chairperson of JURI, one of IM´s partner organizations in Nepal. Among other things, they work to strengthen the rule of law for vulnerable groups in the country, one of the cornerstones of a democratic society.